We got to school early, you could just feel the excitement buzzing around us as everyone was chatting about what camp would be like. After the roll was called, we were told what bus we were on and scrambled to get to a great seat next to our friends. I sat next to Ashley and we had a good stash of lollies for the boring ride up! The ride on the Bus was actually quite fun with lots of good music!
When we finally reached our destination we scrambled off the bus and onto the busy streets of Picton. Once we had taken all of the bags off the bus we made a big pile and then made a human chain to take the bags from the pile to the ferry we had to go on to get to the rural destination of curious cove. After the bags and all of the children were loaded onto the boat we had a quick safety briefing and then we were off on our way! We were allowed to go on the roof of the boat for most of the journey and the view was just amazing. After a while it started to spit and it got a bit too cold so we decided to go inside for the rest of the trip.
We zoomed around a final bend to see what was said to be Curious Cove in the distance. As we got closer it started to rain a bit harder but that just added to the experience. 
When we were safely tied to the dock most of the kids sprinted while some of us kids helped the adults get all of the luggage onto the tractor trailer.
Then we unpacked our gear in our rooms and had an explore! It wasn't much time before we were called to a delicious dinner of meatballs with sweet and sour sauce and a beautifully presented garden salad.
After we had finished that we went and had another explore and a play before we had super and went to bed!
Day 2
When we woke up we got dressed and headed down to breakfast. I chose porridge with brown sugar and milk and it was delicious.
After that we got our bags ready and headed down to the playground area for a small play and to get our roll call done. When everyone had been ticked off the list and we all had what we needed we walked to the dock and got on the boat. The ride to ships cove was amazing, we spotted seals, dolphins and lots of birds. When we arrived there we had some American hot dogs and had a look at the ship's cove memorial. Once we had explored the beach we got back on the boat and started getting the fishing rods ready.
The we stopped and spent the rest of the day fishing. I caught a blue cod!
When we reached the dock at curious cove we ran back and started playing.
After dinner and dessert we played hogan's heros and then we had supper and went to bed.
Day 3
We woke up, had breakfast and got ready for our day at camp. We walked thru a little bush track until we reached a clearing with a flying fox in it. When it was my turn I walked up to the top and sat in the seat. I hear the chains creak under my weight as I sit on the unreliable plastic seat. As I put the chain seatbelt on I feel as if it is wrapping around my waist, trying to strangle me. Tony was standing behind me, holding the dishonest lever that was soon going to send me flying through the air at more than 45 kph. “Is the chain off?!” Phil yelled at the bottom of the steep hill enclosed in trees. “Yes!” A loud voice bellows behind me.“Is the rope away!” There was a pause as Tony checks the rope was to the side of the uneven rocky track underneath me. “Yes, the rope is away!” “Is the seat belt on?!” “Unfortunately!!” He said sounding extremely amused.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1,” I held my breath, waiting for that falling feeling in my stomach as I went soaring through the air. They had tricked me “Hurry up!” A giant scream soared from the inside of my voice box. “Oh, we’ll have to do that again!” He said in that amused voice again, I could just see the smirk on his face. “5,4...” CLUNK! He pulled the lever early. That feeling came again as I went zooming through the alpine forest like a cheetah strapped to a jetpack! I can hear everyone clapping and cheering at the bottom as I zoomed past, the adrenalin pumping through my veins. I kept flying back and forth until I finally stopped and someone grabbed the seat. I jumped down and felt proud that I had completed the famous Curious Cove Flying Fox.
After we had another couple of goes and completed the obstacle course on the way back to camp.
When whe got to camp we had lunch and got changed into our swimming togs and wet suit. First we got to go on the kayaks and then we went for a swim and a jump off the jetty which was really fun!
Then we dried off and went for another play, had dinner and played hogans heros. I rolled my ankle during this and had to limit my walking around.
I woke up got changed and headed down to breakfast. After breakfast I had been given an ankle brace to wear up the mountain because I had sprayed my ankle the day before. I put the brace and my walking shoes on and went to go and pack my lunch. After my lunch had been packed and my bag had been filled with everything I needed we started the hike up the long mt Kahikitea.
It was a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG way but we all managed to get to the top without any casualties or fatalities. Even though it was a really long way I managed to get to the top and it was well worth it because the view was absolutely AMAZING!
When we had got back down I ran to the showers. After that we played went for a swim. After dinner and dessert we played another great game of hogan's heros before we had supper, cleaned our rooms and went to bed early.
The next day was hectic for everyone, we had to pack bags, sweep floors, wash windows. When that was finished and we had eaten breakfast we split onto our boat groups and started sailing. When we got to picton we made the boat chain again and got on to the buses. On the way back we played heads up, truth and dare, & charades with about a group of 12 people so it was really fun. When we had gotten back to school we collected our bags and went home.
All together this was the best school camp I had ever been on and I hope that you enjoyed my 5 day diary!
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