I decided to interview my Grandfather because he quite likes watching sport. ( He Loves League But Not Rugby so if you are a rugby lover then you should probably not read this )
Interview with: Grandfather
Topic: The
Difference in Sport
I chose to interview my Grandfather to find out the
differences & changes in sport from when he was younger to now.
sports did you play?
I played Rugby League, Rounders (Softball) and Bullrush
sports did you watch and like?
My favourite sport was, and still is, Rugby League. I wouldn't let my dog watch Rugby!
How did you
get sports results?
As we did not have TV we listened to the games on the
radio. I remember Dad getting me up at
2am to listen to a test in the United Kingdom.
We also got results and write-ups in the Grey River Argus (local Grey
Valley paper) and Grey Star.
technology changed sports?
Yes, definitely. People
only watch the top games and smaller clubs get missed out.
people more competitive now?
No. People were more
competitive as it was all about winning.
These days it is more about participation, especially with
Has sport
become more about money rather than fun?
Yes. Nobody got paid
for playing sport and they weren’t greedy like some sports people today.
Many more people played sport as they only worked Monday –
Friday so weekends were free. Not many
people worked shift work and therefore they could get to practices and games.
I believe that people who play sport have a better outlook on
life. They learn how to win and lose and
if you get knocked down you learn how to get up again. I don’t like that some sports do not have
winners because life is about winning and losing and children need to learn