Thursday, 19 May 2016

Week 1-2 Reflection

Here is some of the cool stuff we learnt in room 18 in week 1 & 2

Surprise subtitles ~ Holes

For reading on these weeks we have been watching a movie with the subtitles! Mrs Hines then paused the movie after the last subtitle line and we had to be concentrating on what the subtitles said!

Here is a list of some of the subtitles we had to write down!

  1. (Hip hop music plays)
  2. Yeah, so
  3. (Thunder rumbles)
  4. (laughter Fades)
  5. (Gasps)
  6. (Music continues)
  7. Aaaah-ah
  8. But no biggie


Each week we have a mandarin lesson on Tuesday! Here is what we learned...

Ni jia zai nar = Where is your home?
Wo jia zai ________=My home is in_________
mama= mum
nai nai= grandma
gege= older brother
jie jie=older sister
didi=younger brother
mei mei=younger sister

Here is a D.L.O (digital learning objective) that I created!:

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