Monday, 29 May 2017

Game Design With Blender and Python - post #1

I created an easy and simple ping pong game using scratch and I found that really simple. I then went onto using python to create a script for a game and we also played around a bit with trinket which was very helpful for learning the basics of python. As we have successfully finished our work on python we are now moving on to using Blender which is our first time using a program to create a 3D game. We are going to make a 3D game of a simple cube the we then can control with our w, a, s, & d keys to complete simple challenges. We are going to learn about the workings of Logic Engine in Blender so we can control the movements of the cube.

Blender is a game engine which uses logic to create a game. It uses a sensor, controller and an actuator (things that actually happen). The first step to creating a game is the sensor. With the sensor you have to program which keys you want to move in different directions it to do different things(the W, S, A & D keys) If you wanted to add coins to collect points you would have to program that in in another layer.

The next step is to create a platform to the game to create a physics aspect to our game and to ensure that our cube falls onto a platform. We also have to enable the motion in character mode and select the jump button so that can allow our cube to jump and allow our cube to show up and down movement as well as adding a 3D aspect to our character. The jump force can be adjusted in the physics tab so we can customize how high our cube can jump.

We then have to add an extra layer in our game so we can add coins to collect enough points to move up to the next level. Adding another level is the easiest way to do this because we can manipulate them at one place. We can change the color, shape, size and direction that the coin faces. There is one main coin and each of the duplicated coins will carry out the same characteristics of the main coin.