Wednesday 7 May 2014

Kiwi Kids news - Washed up whale could explode

When a 25 meter long whale washed up on a Canadian island people started to worry because it has a chance that it could explode any minute! When the whale died weeks ago it has swollen to about twice its size and as it has started decomposing it has filled with a gas called methane.
There is a disagreement on who is to get rid of the body as no one wants to go near a giant exploding whale!Only 600 people are living there but they don't have the restorers to move the whale


  1. Wow! That is really interesting. I wonder how they will get rid of the whale in the end! Sophie

  2. Hi Bronah
    Wow! I did Not know about this washed up whale. This must of been amazing to know about this?


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